• Get clear on what you truly want and how to achieve it - When we stop trying to live our leadership to only meet the expectations of others, we tune into our own inner 'why' and are able to lead with more authentic alignment and impact

  • Sharpen your awareness of the path ahead for you - By reviewing your leadership and life through the powerful process of the Symbols Way you will gain access to reservoirs of your own intuition and wisdom, so as to take action on your intentions when the time is ripe

  • A powerful leadership toolkit - Proven and practical knowledge and frameworks for a improved level of leadership, inclusive of enhanced strategic, embodied and creative decision-making skills

  • Deep connections and a network of support - By spending time in the company of other women determined to explore what coming into their own truly means for each of them, you will be able to tap into not only the memories of our time together, but also a very practical network of support


  • One on one follow through coaching - To support your implementation of the intentions you discovered during the program and to support you when questions arise. With Tanya or Dorian and with your peer coaches.

  • One follow up group coaching zoom call hosted by the faculty

  • Access to the global CIYO Alumnae network - With several hundred CIYO Alumnae throughout the globe, you will have access to a rich network of new contacts for support and advice via dedicated Facebook page and a monthly newsletter

  • Access to preferential rates on 3-month or 6-month individual coaching plans - Many women find that after attending a CIYO they are ready to invest or ask their organization to invest in an individualized program of coaching. Tanya and Dorian both work as executive coaches. They will offer preferential coaching plans rates of $1500 a month to CIYO Alumnae as long as they start up their coaching plan within 2 months of completing the program.



  • Trailblazers - others are looking to you for guidance and leadership. You may have been playing it a little safe, but now you are ready to step into your role with more purpose and presence

  • Learners - you are looking for new ways of learning and developing yourself, in ways that are proven to have great impact, but often are not included in current development programs

  • Changemakers - you have a sense that there is something more for you to do - be it in your current work context or by starting up a new venture

  • Women leaders for the 21st century - whether you are a student, stay at home mother, working professional, entrepreneur, artist, are leading and being a role model through how you choose to live your life and express your gifts

  • Global citizens - the complex times we are living through call for continued ways to connect across difference

Our core learning elements

  • Explore cycles of development that are unique to women

  • Draw on and shed light on your leadership purpose through life story and your 'crucible moments'

  • More clearly understand and engage the leadership strengths in you and in others

  • Experience a unique peer coaching process to clarify the path towards resolving current or emerging challenges

  • Gain clarity on dealing with the inner barriers that stop you from harnessing your full power

  • Learn tools and practices to support you as you step into the new phase of your life

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wednesday FROM 12-2pm us pacific

Jan 27th Initial gathering, building community
Feb 3rd Ages and Stages of a Woman’s Development
Feb 10th Lifeline and Crucible Moments
Feb 17th Leadership Archetypes, Framework for Wholeness
Feb 24th Leadership Gaps and Blindspots

No videocall on Mar 3rd - one-on-one Symbols Way coaching sessions of up to 2 hours take place with either Dorian or Tanya between Feb 25th and March 9th

Mar 10th Systems for personal growth and power of voice 
Mar 17th Setting intentions and finding your North Star
Mar 24th Completion and Celebration 

also includes…

  • Access to CIYO Alumnae private online Facebook and WhatsApp communities

  • One on One preparation and then follow through coaching calls

  • Group check-in call 1-month-out (i.e. May 2021)

  • Optional access to CIYO Alumnae preferred rates for ongoing coaching packages of 3 and 6 months, at $1500 a month



WHEN:  Wednesdays 12noon-2pm from Jan 27 through March 24, 2021

WHERE: Online VideoCalls on Zoom


  • individually tailored preparation call

  • one-on-one follow through individual coaching calls with Tanya or Dorian

  • pre-program reading suggestions and other resources

  • access to CIYO California and global alumnae network for career growth

  • takeaway materials for use of participants and their colleagues

  • follow up group coaching checkin call

  • periodic free learning gatherings for CIYO alumnae and women friends/mentees/family

INVESTMENT: $2000 CIYO program and coaching fee & all personal and professional development elements listed above.

Note: If you enroll with a friend in this online program, the two of you will benefit from a reduced program fee of $1500 each (note that you are registering with another person on the registration form and we will reach out to set up the discounted payment). CIYO alumnae can re-enroll in any CIYO with a 50% discount, space permitting (contact us to inquire).

Do you need a sample sponsorship request letter for your organization? Find it HERE

CANCELLATION POLICY: Tuition costs are refundable until Jan 17, 2021. After that date, cancellations can be applied to a future program.


Tanya MonseF

Tanya is an executive coach, leadership program facilitator, and business consultant. She brings 25 years of corporate, startup and non-profit business experience in the areas of finance, marketing and strategy. She has coached and delivered programs with leaders from 40+ countries.

She designs leadership training, leads workshops, provides one-on-one coaching, and facilitates conversations to clients around the world.  She speaks globally about the power of leading from authenticity as a way to create harmony in the workplace. She is Dean's Executive Professor, Leavey School of Business at Santa Clara University (SCU), CA.

Tanya is active in global leadership projects: Board for Global Women’s Leadership Network, co-founder of SF Turkish Women’s International Network chapter, and advisory board member for Readability Matters.


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Dorian is an executive coach, leadership programs and retreats faculty, and organizational advisor. She is also a lover of architecture, believes deeply in the capacity of humankind to grow and evolve into our best selves, and has been exploring a range of embodied practice traditions for the past several years.

Her capacity for eclectic discernment was tested through a corporate business career that has spanned a variety of industries - investment banking, global energy, consumer goods and art retail - and a number of countries - UK, US, Venezuela, Italy, and Belgium.

In her consulting and coaching, she loves working with a variety of clients: Corporate Senior Executives and Millennial Emerging Leaders  to Social Entrepreneurs in the US and Europe; from Yale E-MBA candidates to Humanitarian Relief Organization staff; from high school or college students to new elders preparing for their legacy years.

One of her core beliefs is that each person’s journey towards wholeness is critical to addressing today's global challenges - be that person an organization's leader, a social activist for change, a parent wanting to raise a child for a better future or an artist trying to express their creative calling.

And as a woman in the world of business, she is particularly passionate about the role and power of women and girls from all walks of life to support the evolution of global mindsets, social systems and models of economic impact. More about Dorian